
Black Men In Leather

Black Men in Leather has been profiled and well received by reviewers and scholars alike as the first definitive book that talks to Black Men and their perspective on what it means to be a man of color in a predominantly white segment of the gay community. Social, economics, historical perspective and religion all play a factor in the books sub-title “..why you see them and why you don’t.”

Black Men In Leather

Guy Baldwin

Guy Baldwin, M.S. is a Los Angeles-based psychotherapist,author, activist, and educator specializing in issues of particular relevance to the BDSM and leather communities, and more generally in issues relating to non-heteronormative practices. He has written a number of essays and three of his books are required reading for Leathermen. Click on each book image for more information.

The Leather ContestSlaveCraftThe Ties That Bind

The Ethical Slut

For anyone who has ever dreamed of love, sex, and companionship beyond the limits of traditional monogamy, this groundbreaking guide navigates the infinite possibilities that open relationships can offer. Experienced ethical sluts Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy dispel myths and cover all the skills necessary to maintain a successful and responsible polyamorous lifestyle–from self-reflection and honest communication to practicing safe sex and raising a family. Individuals and their partners will learn how to discuss and honor boundaries, resolve conflicts, and to define relationships on their own terms.

Ethical Slut


Leatherfolk is both historical witness and provocative treatise regarding a distinct subculture that has withstood decades of political harassment and other challenges to its survival.

Spanning the decades from the 1940s onward, this collection of vibrant writing documents the many eras and shifts of attitude that have affected the gay and lesbian leather underground, and its influence on the society beyond.


Everyone wants a more interesting and fulfilling erotic life. With that in mind, this book was written to give guidance to one popular style of erotic play which the author calls “leathersex”-sexuality that may include S/M, bondage, dominance, submission, fantasy, role playing, sensual physical stimulation, and fetish, to name just a few.

More Than Two:  A Practical Guide to Ethical Polyamory

Can you love more than one person? Have multiple romantic partners, without jealousy or cheating? Absolutely! Polyamorous people have been paving the way, through trial and painful error. Now the new book More Than Two can help you find your own way.

More Than Two

The Complete leatherboy Handbook

A lot of this book will discuss the gay leather world. Vincent Andrews explains the differences between the gay and straight world of BDSM. Even though this book is geared toward the homosexual male, do not assume it can benefit only gay males. Sexual gender has NOTHING to do with being a leatherboy – as you will learn in this book; the same lessons apply for any sexual orientation. Mind you, some dynamics may be altered, but the rules and reasons remain the same. This book will give you the tools and the insight into the alternative sexual world of the leatherboy and the pointers you will need to succeed.

The Leather and BDSM Handbook

This book gives the reader historical background and a clear understanding of what makes up modern Leather culture: thought, art, ritual, fashion, public figures, legislation, and literature.

The Leather & BDSM Handbook is designed to provide a foundational understanding of the Leather culture to help not only newcomers to the scene, but also experienced Leatherfolk who are adjusting to the Leather community’s growth and development in new directions.

The Leatherman’s Protocol Handbook

The Leatherman’s Protocol Handbook is not only about some of my personal journey since 1968, when I was collared to Master in “Old Guard” days, but also the changes that have occurred through the decades since then.

A lot of our “Old Guard” leather history is documented in this book. It contains the protocols, positions, hand signals, and defines the differences between rituals, etiquette, and protocols.

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